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Compute credible intervals for in-sample or out of sample prediction or for the regression function


# S3 method for pred.bas
confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, nsim = 10000, ...)



an object created by predict.bas


character variable, "mean" or "pred". If missing parm='pred'.


the nominal level of the (point-wise) credible interval


number of Monte Carlo simulations for sampling methods with BMA


optional arguments to pass on to next function call; none at this time.


a matrix with lower and upper level * 100 percent credible intervals for either the mean of the regression function or predicted values.


This constructs approximate 95 percent Highest Posterior Density intervals for 'pred.bas' objects. If the estimator is based on model selection, the intervals use a Student t distribution using the estimate of g. If the estimator is based on BMA, then nsim draws from the mixture of Student t distributions are obtained with the HPD interval obtained from the Monte Carlo draws.


Merlise A Clyde


hald.gprior =  bas.lm(Y~ ., data=Hald, alpha=13, prior="g-prior")
hald.pred = predict(hald.gprior, estimator="BPM", predict=FALSE,
confint(hald.pred, parm="mean")
#>            2.5%     97.5%      mean
#>  [1,]  72.85939  86.44363  79.65151
#>  [2,]  69.50215  79.45478  74.47846
#>  [3,] 101.93102 108.91264 105.42183
#>  [4,]  85.14928  94.51420  89.83174
#>  [5,]  89.98634 101.26964  95.62799
#>  [6,] 101.30948 107.88283 104.59616
#>  [7,]  97.81813 109.19556 103.50684
#>  [8,]  71.46153  82.55525  77.00839
#>  [9,]  87.73810  96.41333  92.07571
#> [10,] 106.51357 121.70394 114.10876
#> [11,]  77.32978  88.03488  82.68233
#> [12,] 106.79101 115.29472 111.04286
#> [13,] 105.64736 115.28746 110.46741
#> attr(,"Probability")
#> [1] 0.95
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "confint.bas"
confint(hald.pred)  #default
#>            2.5%     97.5%      pred
#>  [1,]  67.79843  91.50459  79.65151
#>  [2,]  63.56396  85.39296  74.47846
#>  [3,]  95.09960 115.74406 105.42183
#>  [4,]  79.04805 100.61543  89.83174
#>  [5,]  84.39452 106.86146  95.62799
#>  [6,]  94.34116 114.85115 104.59616
#>  [7,]  92.24966 114.76402 103.50684
#>  [8,]  65.82223  88.19456  77.00839
#>  [9,]  81.43722 102.71421  92.07571
#> [10,] 101.77792 126.43959 114.10876
#> [11,]  71.59123  93.77342  82.68233
#> [12,] 100.43905 121.64668 111.04286
#> [13,]  99.62326 121.31156 110.46741
#> attr(,"Probability")
#> [1] 0.95
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "confint.bas"
hald.pred = predict(hald.gprior, estimator="BMA", predict=FALSE,
#>            2.5%     97.5%      pred
#>  [1,]  67.80343  91.67019  79.68307
#>  [2,]  63.89289  86.54128  74.69127
#>  [3,]  94.13211 116.52556 105.63258
#>  [4,]  78.98885 101.07927  89.91648
#>  [5,]  84.27957 107.12754  95.67480
#>  [6,]  94.13806 115.06044 104.57616
#>  [7,]  92.03501 115.30514 103.47945
#>  [8,]  65.49721  88.40664  76.96808
#>  [9,]  81.98294 103.64824  92.22184
#> [10,] 101.21526 126.93095 113.84918
#> [11,]  71.13461  93.57363  82.59035
#> [12,]  99.87997 121.74584 110.87673
#> [13,]  99.28106 121.19577 110.34001
#> attr(,"Probability")
#> [1] 0.95
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "confint.bas"