eplogprob.marg - Compute approximate marginal inclusion probabilities from pvalues
calculates approximate marginal posterior inclusion
probabilities from p-values computed from a series of simple linear
regression models using a lower bound approximation to Bayes factors. Used
to order variables and if appropriate obtain initial inclusion probabilities
for sampling using Bayesian Adaptive Sampling bas.lm
- Y
response variable
- X
design matrix with a column of ones for the intercept
- thresh
the value of the inclusion probability when if the p-value > 1/exp(1), where the lower bound approximation is not valid.
- max
maximum value of the inclusion probability; used for the
function to keep initial inclusion probabilities away from 1.- int
If the Intercept is included in the linear model, set the marginal inclusion probability corresponding to the intercept to 1
returns a vector of marginal posterior
inclusion probabilities for each of the variables in the linear model. If
int = TRUE, then the inclusion probability for the intercept is set to 1.
Sellke, Bayarri and Berger (2001) provide a simple calibration of p-values
BF(p) = -e p log(p)
which provide a lower bound to a Bayes factor for comparing H0: beta = 0 versus H1: beta not equal to 0, when the p-value p is less than 1/e. Using equal prior odds on the hypotheses H0 and H1, the approximate marginal posterior inclusion probability
p(beta != 0 | data ) = 1/(1 + BF(p))
When p > 1/e, we set the marginal inclusion probability to 0.5 or the value
given by thresh
. For the eplogprob.marg the marginal p-values are
obtained using statistics from the p simple linear regressions
P(F > (n-2) R2/(1 - R2)) where F ~ F(1, n-2) where R2 is the square of the correlation coefficient between y and X_j.
Sellke, Thomas, Bayarri, M. J., and Berger, James O. (2001), “Calibration of p-values for testing precise null hypotheses”, The American Statistician, 55, 62-71.
Merlise Clyde clyde@stat.duke.edu
UScrime[,-2] = log(UScrime[,-2])
eplogprob(lm(y ~ ., data=UScrime))
#> (Intercept) M So Ed Po1 Po2
#> 1.0000000 0.9480823 0.5000000 0.9883193 0.5045770 0.5000000
#> LF M.F Pop NW U1 U2
#> 0.5000000 0.5304659 0.5807429 0.8046414 0.5000000 0.6858642
#> GDP Ineq Prob Time
#> 0.6069289 0.9900000 0.9412475 0.5782754